Ancient Woodland

Throughout the year the woodland transforms, showcasing the vibrant hues of spring, the lush greenery of summer, the warm tones of autumn, and the stark beauty of winter. 

From lofty granite crags precipitous, The oak, with scanty footing, topples o’er, Tossing his limbs to heaven; and, from the cleft, Fringing the dark-brown natural battlements, The hazel throws his silvery branches down



In spring, the woodland bursts into a riot of colours and life. The forest is adorned wit lush greenery, signalling the end of winter's dormancy.


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Summer in the woodland brings a lush, verdant landscape teeming with life. The trees are fully leafed out, and the undergrowth is thick and verdant.


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Autumn transforms the woodland into a tapestry of warm, earthy tones. The leaves turn shades of gold, orange, and red, creating a stunning display of colour. 


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Winter is a time of serene beauty and stark contrasts. The bare trees and frosty landscape create a peaceful, almost otherworldly atmosphere.


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